We are here to help!

Are you struggling with low self-esteem, depression, self-harming behaviours, eating disorder behaviours, anxiety disorders or a general inability to live your life in freedom? There is hope.

We know life can be tough sometimes and however hard you try, you just can’t seem to keep your head above the water; you want to be whole, to be free, to believe that you have a hope and a future, but you just can’t seem to get past your past… Well, we are here to help.

It is our heart to see the broken hearted made whole, the captives set free, and those living in darkness released to live in hope. We look to address the root causes of issues individuals face, rather than merely medicating the symptoms or addressing the external behaviour.

Keys to Freedom  Discipleship Course

Keys to Freedom is for the whole church. Whatever your age, whatever your life stage, male or female, new or established believer.

‘A discipleship course equipping you to live free and stay free’

The course will serve the church in a number of different ways. It can be done on an individual basis or delivered through small groups. In addition to this, it can also be an effective resource in a 1:1 mentoring or pastoral care relationship.

Keys to Freedom is Mercy’s eight week devotional style workbook that can be done alone at home, in a group, or online. Whether you are male or female, whatever your age or life stage, new and established Christians alike, Keys to Freedom’s daily interactive readings will take you on a journey to deepen your relationship with Jesus and equip you with the biblical tools to live free and stay free.

Live Free. Stay Free.